Do You Accept Who God Made You To Be?

Recently I was confiding in some sister-friends about how I've started to feel about myself; my body image and the emotions that can go along with.
I’m starting to call myself beautiful. I’m discovering who I am as a person and as God’s daughter; truly embracing that.
I’m a mom of six and a grandma. I have hit the 40+ mark and I’m comfortable in my skin.
Can you say that about yourself as a woman? Will you allow it to sink in?
You’re beautiful! Created magnificently. The words that I write are not just fluffy words, or meant to be just another sound of your mother telling you that “because she has to”.
It is absolutely true!
May I share with you a quote that rocked my way of thinking of myself; my body, my emotions, my past, my shortcomings?
Every woman has a beauty unique unto herself. I have seen beauty in virtually every woman I have ever met regardless of skin type, body shape, hair color, teeth whiteness, or number on the scale. Every woman is beautiful. You are beautiful. I am beautiful. Though I have recognized it in other women for as long as I can remember, I have only begun to see it in myself. Yes, I believe I am beautiful. Some days. Well, some moments. God help us all to believe it more deeply and more often. Because in the places where we don’t believe it, we continue to shame ourselves. And shame will never be an agent of change.
-Stasi Eldredge, {Becoming Myself}
I cried over those words. I saw a better me and a newness that I can’t describe.
Woman. You have worth. You ARE worth. A most prized delight.
The desire of my heart with this post is to speak directly to your soul. To draw out the beauty that’s there. Did you stuff it down? Or worse yet, did someone else stuff it down?
"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Genesis 1:27 NKJV (emphasis are mine)
There is a love song being sung over you, dear sister. Your Creator, The Almighty takes that time to lavish goodness on you. He’s thinking of how you’ll love that unique snowflake that makes its way into your palm, or that new Spring bloom that is your absolute favorite flower, and that sand between your toes that you've waited to feel since the last time.
He gives beauty to His beauty. Yes! You!
If you’re struggling with believing how beautiful you are or even who you are, I want to direct you to Jolene’s beautiful telling of her personal story of rejection and acceptance:
What I Want You to Know
Be blessed, beautiful sister!
Kela Nellums