Today I'm forwarding a few Blog posts from one of my beloved Sisters-In-Christ Blog. I love her posts & they always speak to my heart in a deep & personal way & encourage my heart. I'm always so blessed by her Blog posts & her posts encourage me to be a better Christian,Woman,Wife,Mother & Friend. I always hear the Lords voice speak to me so clear through her posts & He has ministered to & comforted my heart time & time again through her posts. My hope & prayer is that my Family, Friends,Readers & Followers of my blog are just as blessed & encouraged as I am by reading her blog posts below. I have posted the links to each of the posts I want to share with the Title of the post below.
The sweet smell of perfume and oils is pleasant, and so is good advice from a friend.
New Century Version
copy right created by JB Creations Etc. |
copy right created by JB Creations Etc. |
He Prays For Us
Careful Words and a Calm Spirit
Much Increase
Two Questions We Should Answer When We Are in Emotional Pain
In Christ, Forgiveness

My Mother's Day Story :Thinking back 28 years ago after several tests & surgeries the Drs diagnosing me with severe Endometriosis & Pelvic Lesions & Adhesion told me I would never be a Mother, my womb was broken & I would be barren, then I found out a few short years later I was with child at 24 the same time they told me my little one was leaving this earth & I would never ever be able to give birth & if by some chance I was able to conceive again the child would most likely not make it & if the child did it would be a miracle. A year later my husband at the time left me due to circumstances beyond my control & my heart was shattered & broken & beyond repair. I felt like such a failure. I was a good kid & tried to be a sweet nice loving person to everyone. How could this happen to me I thought. Why was I not lovable? I tried so hard not to be divorced like my parents & friends & family members. Why had I been abused, hurt & rejected throughout my life by those I had loved the most? What was wrong with me? I was estranged from my family & parents at the time due to circumstances beyond my control & several of my best friends. I felt abandoned & all alone. I did not know the Lord & was so lost. I made up my mind several months after that day that I didn't need anyone especially a man as they & everyone I had ever loved had hurt me or abused me & left me. I had accepted I would never be a Mother or wife that I was different from my family & the outcast in my family despite me trying to be good to everyone the best I could, that I would only just get to be a Aunty never to have children or grandchildren & I decided that I would not allow anyone to hurt the little girl inside of me anymore especially men as I had been abused by them at a very young age repeatedly for most of my childhood into my twenties & I put up a very thick brick wall. Then in the blink of a eye God arranged a friend /ex-coworker to cross my path, someone who I had run into briefly for many years but we were just acquaintances & he & his son fell in love with me & I with them & we became a family & I became a Step-Mother but in my heart there are no steps I accepted Josh totally & fully as my son as if he came from my womb. We formed a very special relationship immediately & the brick wall came crumbling down & the chains on my heart started breaking & the healing in my heart was beginning. Then shortly after that I injured my spine seriously at work & couldn't work for a year was in a back brace in severe pain. Then another year passed & I had to go to sedentary work & I conceived a baby girl who will be 22 in 3 weeks & 4 days. It was strongly suggested by my OBGYN to stop working at at only 3 months pregnant. But I kept working being the stubborn young woman I was at the time. At the end of my 5th month I felt a strange turning feeling in my stomach & my pelvic bones were killing me. I went to my OBGYN & he told me if you want this baby you will quit working & stay on complete bed-rest & take this little pill every 4 hours. My prior OBGYN Drs had said If I was able to carry a child to full term & if I was able to have a child naturally I would be paralyzed from the waist down never to walk again. I carried her to full term & 3 of those months she was in the birth canal & I had to go on maternity leave & go on complete bed-rest til my estimated due date 6-13-94. My OBGYN had a Anesthesiologist on standby as I was told I would probably have some pretty excruciating spinal pain, need a epidural & my recovery afterbirth would be slow & long & it was confirmed it was very possible I would be paralyzed & not walk again. Well due to God's divine intervention in my life on 6-1-94 I had my biological child at 6pm on 6-1-94 after 4 hours naturally with no epidural. Was up walking the hospital floor a hour after birth asking for my child, was released the next morning walked out to the vehicle after they let me out of the wheelchair which is standard procedure. God has healed my shattered heart, mind & by His Grace & hand I'm standing & walking with a cane, sometimes a walker & I have episodes of being bedridden with all my painful afflictions & haven't been able to work for several years now, however that did not happen til about 12 years later in 2006 way after I gave birth to my beautiful Baby Girl in 1994 & had some car accidents & a few falls & progression of the health issues I'm afflicted with & some genetic factors. I gave my heart to the Lord in the latter part of the year 1995 as I knew by then every time I looked into my little girl's face there was a God & every time I held her I knew I was holding the miracle He gave me & that he must love me a awful lot to entrust His child to me on this earth. She is a constant reminder to me of God's power, healing & love as are my hubby & son. I LOVE YOU SOOOO DEEPLY MY BELOVED HUBBY MARK, SON JOSH & DAUGHTER DAWN YOU ARE TRULY 3 OF THE BEST GIFTS I HAVE EVER RECEIVED!!!! XOXOX <3!!!! SO TODAY I WANT TO ONCE AGAIN PRAISE GOD FOR THE HEALING HE HAS DONE IN MY HEART, LIFE & THE MOTHERS DAY MIRACLE HE HAS GIVEN ME!!! AND I'M ALSO SO BLESSED TO BE A SURROGATE MOTHER/ SECOND MOTHER TO SO MANY YOUTH IN OUR COMMUNITY AS WELL!! I'M SO GRATEFUL FOR GOD BLESSING ME WAY BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMS & WHAT I COULD EVEN BEGIN TO IMAGINE!!! HE DID ALL THIS WAY BEFORE I KNEW HIM HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM OR CHOSE TO FOLLOW HIM!!!!! HOW CAN I DENY HIM!!??? HE LOVES ME SOOO MUCH THAT EVEN WHEN I WAS LIVING IN REBELLION TO HIM HE GAVE ME MY SECRET HEART'S DESIRE THAT I SHARED WITH NO ONE BEFORE I SOUGHT HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. HE HAS BEEN THERE FROM THE START & WILL ALWAYS BE THERE. AND I HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL THIS PAIN FOR THE HEALING TO COME & BE WHO I AM TODAY. THANK YOU ABBA!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! XO <3!!!!!!! I PRAISE YOU FATHER FOR YOU ARE MIGHTY & SOVEREIGN & FAITHFUL EVEN WHEN I AM NOT & YOUR LOVE & ACCEPTANCE OF & FOR ME IS UNCONDITIONAL <3!!!! !!!!
The Crown that I wear does not tarnish;
It's not made of worldly ores. I don't need to polish and store it in a vault or behind metal doors. The Crown is a gift from my Father whose Son died so that I could be free. What a honor it is just to wear it, For His last thoughts on Earth were of me. The Crown has speacial meaning; It's not about worldly success. It stands for the Love of My Lord and Saviour,Which I wear every day like a Princess.